Diagnostic Tools for Summer Skin Health
Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world and with national skin cancer awareness week concluding recently as well as summer quickly approaching, it is important to review our knowledge of skin cancer and what diagnostics you may need.
As skin cancers account for approximately 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers in Australia, national campaigns have been run for decades to promote healthy behaviours and avoid UV radiation. The most iconic being the ‘slip slop slap’ campaign by the cancer council. However, it is important to note the updates to these protective measures as more research and education has been made into skin cancer.
This campaign has added two more protective measures to the initial three resulting in the following updates;
- Slip on sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible
- Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30 (or higher) sunscreen
- Slap on a hat
- Seek shade
- Slide on Australian Standards sunglasses
Dermatoscopy is a key feature in skin cancer screening and diagnosis. Luckily, Heine diagnostics have a range of quality dermatoscopes that set you up for a simplified examination of the skin. The two best recommended diagnostics are the Delta 30 and the Delta one (available in both black and white)
DELTA 30 Dermatoscope
The new HEINE DELTA 30 is one of the best high-end dermatoscopes with world class imaging that HEINE has ever developed. It has a 'true' field of view that measures a veritable of 30 millimetres. Its ‘true’ because some of their competitors like to indicate the lens diameter, which turns out to be deceptive as the field of view is significantly smaller in reality.
For more information on this product range and its accessories click here
- DELTAone Dermatosccope
The HEINE DELTAone Dermatoscope is small on the outside, but huge on the inside. With three key features of clarity, LEDHQ and non-reflective working turning the DELTAone into a vital tool to carry in your pocket wherever you go.
For more information on these features and how they can benefit you click here
Not all Dermatoscopes are the same. We highly recommend the HEINE range due to the German designed and made quality and the long warranty on the units.
History of the Dermatoscope
1989: HEINE invents the first dermatoscope.
The first dermatoscope in the world, the HEINE DELTA 10, has fundamentally changed the view on naevi, lesions and melanomas of all kinds. It globally increased the accuracy of dermatologists’ diagnoses, almost doubling it from 55% to 90%.
And that’s something HEINE take great pride in to this day! Correctly identifying diseases as early as possible and ideally curing them – especially ones as deadly as skin cancer – is what HEINE aspire to do and create for all dermatologists. It is also what motivates dermatologists day after day.
That’s why HEINE continue to improve their dermatoscopes to facilitate the work of dermatologists all over the world.
Much has changed since the DELTA 10. Brighter, larger, sharper, smaller, lighter, but in any case better than its predecessor. Now, two more dermatoscopes are about to see the light of day and one thing is clear: they’re sure to be better than anything before them.
The new DELTA 30 and DELTAone with their iPhone* attachments, the iC1 digital dermatoscope, the HEINE Cube System for image and data management, free apps for patient and image management – all developed, designed and implemented by HEINE.
HEINE were the inventors of dermatoscopy, also known as dermoscopy, 30 years ago, and are still among the world’s leading manufacturers; their dermatoscopes, the exclusive HEINE DERM App and the Cube System are at the top of the technological world of medical image and data processing.
With the Cube System, exact digital documentation can be compiled to help reach an extremely accurate diagnosis at the earliest possible stage. The system includes plenty of smart ideas and partly exclusive functions and allows users to manage images in chronological order.
The highlight: the convenient wireless connection. One HEINE Cube is enough for up to 10 mobile HEINE dermatoscopes in one surgery or hospital.
* The Apple hardware is not included in the scope of delivery. For Apple hardware, please contact an authorized Apple distributor, an Apple Premium Reseller or Apple Inc. directly. Apple, the Apple Logo, iPhone and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.