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Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options
There are many different options for losing weight and treating obesity including lifestyle changes and medication.
The information available can be overwhelming so speaking with your doctor is a great place to start. The Heart Foundation is another helpful resource.*
Learn More About Lifestyle Options
Losing excess weight is key for managing type 2 diabetes. When lifestyle changes and medication aren’t successful,
weight loss surgery can be considered. Weight loss surgery can help blood sugar return to normal or reduce need for
diabetes medication. Healthy eating and physical activity remain important for weight management and disease
Download the Diabetes Australia National Position Statement Here
Weight Loss Surgery Explained
If diet, exercise and medication haven’t worked for you, consider speaking to your healthcare provider about surgery.2-5 The Weight Loss Surgery page will help you understand more about the surgery journey including speaking with your doctor, options for paying for surgery, the different procedures and what to expect afterwards.
Support Organisations
Weight Issues Network (WIN)
WIN is an Australian organisation providing a voice and support for people living with and affected by obesity. By building an inclusive community of people with obesity, and their families and friends, WIN creates a strong support network to help you fight weight stigma and discrimination and provides evidence-based education on obesity.*6,7
The Obesity Collective
The Obesity Collective was launched in 2018 with the purpose of
transforming how society thinks, speaks and acts on obesity. To
tackle the challenge of obesity, and its impact on Australian lives,
The Collective believes a full society approach is needed to
decrease bias, increase acceptance and generate collective
Navigating Weight Loss Surgery
Why is Weight Loss so Hard to Maintain?
Discussing Weight Loss Surgery with Your Doctor
1. Diabetes Australia National Position Statement. Weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) and its use in treating obesity or treating and preventing diabetes. December 2011. Available: https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Position-statement-
Bariatric-Surgery.pdf (accessed August 2021).
2. Pucci A, Batterham RL. J Endocrinol Invest. 2019;42(2):117-128.
3. Papamargaritis D, le Roux CW. Nutrients. 2021;13(3):762.
4. Mechanick JI, et al. Endocr Pract. 2019;25(12):1346-1359.
5. Sumithran P, Proietto J. Clin Sci (Lond). 2013;124(4):231-241.
6. Weight Issues Network. Our Purpose. 2021. Available: https://auswin.org.au/our purpose/ (accessed August 2021).
7. Weight Issues Network. Why is WIN Important? 2021. Available: https://auswin.org.au/why-win/ (accessed August 2021).
8. The Collective for Action on Obesity. 2019. Available: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57e9ebb16a4963ef7adfafdb/t/5deda29805aa792cf3a9bb47/1575854764638/The+Collective+One+Year+on+09122019+%281%29.pdf (accessed September 2021).
Disclaimer. We do not review or control the websites featured in this content. Products discussed as part of this website may not be approved for use in your country or may be approved for different indications in your country, and we do not endorse the use or promotion of unapproved products or indications. The website you are trying to view may include video demonstrations on the use of medical devices. Where a video demonstration relates to the approved use of a medical device in your country, this should be considered as information only, and not as a surgical training guide. Other surgeons may employ different techniques and the steps demonstrated may not be the complete steps of the procedure. Individual surgeon preference and experience, as well as patient needs, may dictate a variation in procedure steps. Before using any medical device or medicinal product, review all relevant Instructions for Use, Package Inserts or Summary of Product Characteristics, with particular attention to the indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions, undesirable effects, and steps for use.
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