- Anaesthesia & Respiratory
- Baby
- Casting
- Continence Care
- See all Diagnostic
- Accessories
- Bladder Scanner
- Blood Testing
- Breathalyzer
- Cholesterol Testing
- Covid Testing
- Dermatoscope
- Diabetes Monitoring
- Drug Testing
- Endoscopy
- Eye Ear Nose & Throat
- Height Measures and Charts
- Jars and Containers
- Medical and Surgical Instruments
- Parts and Accessories
- Scales
- Testing
- Urinalysis
- Womens Health
- Ear Irrigation
- See all Equipment
- "Miscelllaneous, Parts and Accessories"
- Beds
- Blood Collection Chair
- Bracket & Dispensers
- Carts & Trolleys
- Cryosurgery
- Electrosurgery
- Examination Couches & Tables
- Fridge & Freezers
- IV Stands
- Laundry & Cleaning Trolleys
- Play Panels
- Privacy Screens and Curtains
- Stools and Step Ups
- Stools, Bed Screens & IV Stands
- Tens
- Transferring & Patient Handling
- Waste Disposal
- X-Ray Viewers
General Consumables
- See all General Consumables
- "Couch Rolls, Protectors & Underpads"
- "Registers, Records and Certificates"
- Bags Assorted
- Batteries
- Blankets and Warmers
- Bracket
- Child Rewards
- Containers
- Cups
- Dental Film Process Products
- Dr Bags
- Ear Piercing
- Feminine Hygiene
- First Aid and Trauma
- Gels and Lubricants
- Identification
- Linen
- Marker
- Miscellaneous
- Ostomy
- Paper and Printing Consumables
- Paper Products
- Parts and Accessories
- Personal Care
- Pill Cutters and Crushers
- Ultrasound Gel
- Wooden Applicators
- Gloves
- Hand & Body Hygiene
Infection Prevention & Control
- See all Infection Prevention & Control
- Absorbent Powder
- Bedpans & Urinals
- Caps
- Clinical Sheets
- Containers
- Dispensers
- Eye Protection
- Face Masks
- Hand Hygiene
- Miscellaneous
- Parts & Accessories
- Protective Apparel
- Scrubs
- Spill Kit
- Surface Cleansers & Wipes
- Surgical Packs & Drapes
- Toileting & Waste Disposal
- Tray Liners
- Wipes and Skin Protection
- Intravenous Infusion & Administration
Medical & Surgical Instruments
- See all Medical & Surgical Instruments
- Biopsy Punch
- Chiropody Pliers & Podiatry
- Cleaning and Protection
- Curettes
- Dental Syringe
- Dilator
- Ear Irrigation
- Forceps
- Hammer
- Male Health
- Marker
- Miscellaneous
- Nasal Speculum
- Needle Holder
- Pack
- Probe
- Retractor
- Ring Cutter
- Scalpel Handles & Blades
- Scissors
- Skin Hook
- Sucker
- Tuning Forks
- Urology
- Uterine Curettes & Sounds
- Medical Lighting
- Medical Lighting
- Needles & Syringes
- Nutritional Support
- Oral Care
- Patient Monitoring
- See all Pharmaceuticals
- Alimentary
- Anaesthetic
- Analgesia
- Antihistamines
- Cardiovascular
- Central Nervous System
- Creams and Ointments
- Endocrine & Metabolic
- Eye Ear Nose & Throat
- Infections & Infestations
- Miscellaneous
- Musculoskeletal
- Nutrition
- Ointment Products
- Other
- Register
- Respiratory
- Skin
- Solutions
- Rehabilitation & Mobility
- Skin Care
- Sports & Recovery
- See all Sterilisation
- Autoclaves
- Biological Indicators and incubators
- Chemical Indicator Tapes
- Chemical Indicators and Integrators
- Cleansing Solutions & Detergents
- Instrument Protector
- Labels
- Marker
- Paper and Printing Consumables
- Parts & Accessories
- Record Keeping Supplies
- Steam Indicator Sheets and Tests
- Sterilisation Pouches & Rolls
- Towels and Cloths
- Trays and Bowls
- Ultrasonic Cleaners
- Water
- Wraps
- Sutures & Skin Closures
- Urology
- Vaccines
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- Wound Management
- News & Updates
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need an account to order online?
If you are a medical centre we recommend you login in to order online so you can place orders on your account
How do I register for an account?
You can register by clicking here and filling in our registration form.
If I continue as a guest user and don’t login can I still buy what I need?
Yes you can still shop online and pay by credit card without logging in if you do not have an account.
What do I need to do to see your stock levels at my local Vital Medical Supplies warehouse?
The website will autolocate you in Australia and allocate you to the nearest warehouse, and then it will display stock. You can also manually enter your postcode to reveal stock levels.
What if I am interstate and I need to place an order, how will the products be allocated to me?
If you manually put your postcode in on a product page, the website will reveal your stock at the nearest warehouse. Alternatively you can log in and it will automatically locate your correct warehouse.
If there is an item that is out of stock can I still order it?
Yes, if you order it you will be placing that product on back order. Once it arrives we will ship it to you.
What if I forget to log in and I accidentally fill in my shopping cart. I then realise at the check out that I am not logged in, how can I log in with out losing my order?
The website will prompt you at the check out to login if you have an account. Once you log in the order will automatically be moved to your logged in account and all the products will still be there.
How can I pay my account if I am a registered user?
Once logged in, you can click on “My Account” and then click on “Make Payment” follow the prompts to make a payment.
How can I pay for my order if I am not a logged in user?
At the check out you will be given the ability to pay for your order by credit card. We accept Visa and Mastercard.
What form of payment will you accept?
If you have an account you may place your order on the account. However if you don’t have an account with us, then we only accept Mastercard and Visa as a payment.
What are the freight charges if I have an account?
If you are ordering non-chilled products (ambient) under the value of $250 + GST you will incur a freight fee of $15 + GST. If you are ordering cold chain or refrigerated products under the value of $400 + GST you will incur a freight fee of $25 + GST.
What are the freight charges if I don't have an account?
If you are ordering non-chilled products (ambient) under the value of $250 + GST you will incur a freight fee of $15 + GST. If you are ordering cold chain or refrigerated products under the value of $400 + GST you will incur a freight fee of $25 + GST.
What are the freight charges for items that are heavy?
After you place your online order, we will contact you to add the freight charges. We calculate this based on the weight, size and dimensions of your order as well as where your delivery is going.
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